Monday, April 7, 2014

Blog Prompt #1

I found myself drawn to the interview of Bruce Schneider, who maintains a blog on security and cryptography. I find web security a particularly interesting subject, such as the ease of revealing personal info through browsing the web.

What stood out to me about the interview was how he originally began blogging. He has been on the web from its beginnings for public access, first obtaining an e-mail address in 1987. He started out maintaining a monthly e-mail newsletter, containing similar content to his current blog. After some resistance he eventually transitioned to writing a blog. So, Schneider actually saw and took part in the cultural shift on the internet, switching from a monthly newsletter to the newer format of a regularly updated blog.

As for the actual blog, I read some of the recent posts and found myself reading much longer than I had anticipated. I saw a few stories that I recall encountering online over the previous weeks, such as a study on how Smarter People are More Trusting, and research on Determining Locations of Twitter Users. I will likely be returning to this blog regularly, and I likely would not have found it if it weren’t for this prompt.

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